A recent study from the National Institute of Health (NIH), African Americans with severe sleep apnea have a higher risk of having high blood sugar levels. High blood sugar levels is a risk factor for diabetes. 

Several studies in the past have linked issues with sleep that include sleep apnea to Caucasian and Asian populations to increased blood sugar levels.

This is a recent study that was replicated to African-American men and women and appeared online this past April 28 in the Journal of the American Heart Association. This study included 789 block men and women who enrolled in the study.

Studies like this assist healthcare workers and providers promote good sleep hygiene, increasing physical exercise and also primary prevention by screening in diagnosis of obesity, and sleep apnea. If one does not have restful sleep, one may have insomnia that leads to fatigue and low energy. If not sleeping properly, one may have feel irritable. These may be symptoms of depression and anxiety.

This study also shows the important linkage between untreated sleep apnea and poor blood sugar levels. This research shows the importance of increasing physical activity, having a routine with sleep, and good nutrition decreases our cardiovascular risk factors.

Once screened for sleep apnea it is important that interventions be made by using a continuous positive air pressure or CPA machine that delivers air through a mask and is worn during sleep. 

If you are having difficulty in life, having severe depression, and are not able to function fully,  please click on the link and make an appointment.